
May 2003 Demo

The May demo was held on May 14 at 7:30 p.m at the First Congregational Church of Reading. Our demonstrator was Theresa Wonson. Theresa demonstrated using watercolor.

We have some photographs of the event in case you could not make it to the show in person. You can click on any of the images on this page to view a larger version of it. Then, use the Back button on your browser to return to this page.

Theresa is an entertaining demonstrator. She told us stories about her favorite artists, Winslow Homer and Edward Hopper, while at the same time, she was painting a watercolor seascape.

Here is the setup for the demo.
We put the mirror up so that the audience could
see the progress of the painting while Theresa
works with the painting flat on the table.

We all have to ponder that scary white sheet for a while.

But soon Theresa has the painting under way.

At the break, Theresa discusses her painting with an appreciative audience.

There are lots of questions.

After the break, the painting progresses.

Finishing off the foreground.

And there you have it.
The painting is as finished as possible in
the short time allowed for a demonstration.

After the demo people crowded around for another
round of questions and answers.

Here is a closeup of the painting.
Theresa was kind enough to give us the painting,
and RAA will raffle it off at a later date.
Watch readingart.org for announcement of the time and place.

Theresa's Bio

A Native of Cape Ann, Theresa Wonson interprets the beauty of Cape Ann in her watercolors and oils. Wonson studied art with some of the finest teacher/artists of Cape Ann including; Betty Lou Schlemm, Don Stone, John Terelak, Martin Ahearn, Ruth Hagstrom, May Bennett-Brown, Howard Curtis, Bob Benham, and Helen Van Wyk.

A former Vice President and Treasurer of the North Shore Art Association, she continues her interest in the association as a member artist. She is also an associate member of the Rockport Art Association.

Theresa has exhibited her work in one-person and group shows throughout the North Shore area. Her paintings are in collections in the United States, Canada, and Europe. Her work has received recognition in print, and awards.

Ms. Wonson�s demonstration subject will be the Ten Pound Island Lighthouse and Gloucester�s outer harbor. This island is where Winslow Homer painted his watercolors in 1880. �I see this view of the �Island� from my house, which is on the top of a high hill overlooking the harbor� she comments. �I like to emphasize aerial perspective and capture the mood of the day in plein-air painting�

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Last updated May 18, 2003