
2001 Members' Demo

The 2001 - 2002 season has begun. Several of our own artist members have once again volunteered to show off their stuff. This was a great start to our new season, and the members learned a lot of tips from their colleagues.

In case you were not able to attend in person, we have some photos of the sessions. Simply scroll down the page to see small versions of the photos. The images on this page are small for faster loading. You can click on any of the images on the page to view a larger version of it. Then, use the Back button on your browser to return to this page.


Charlie did a still life using pencil pastels.


Susan did an oil portrait. You can see the likeness developing already.


David painted a lighthouse using acrylics.


Dorothea painted a portrait using traditional pastels.


Kristine created a floral using watercolors.

Our next scheduled demonstration is for October 10. Joan Radamacher will be demonstrating her watercolor technique.

Don't miss it!

The schedule for the entire season is available on our schedule page.

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Last updated January 11, 2003